Just Kidding Films takes comedy to another level in this humorous short film titled, “Deaf Gang Bang“. In this film, two deaf friends are enjoying their day and minding their own business. Being deaf, the two friends can only communicate through the power of sign language.
A popular rapper and artist from Los Angeles named Iz of 454 Life Entertainment, special guest stars in this comedy. During the funny sign language conversation between the two deaf friends, two notorious gangsters drive by and noticed them.
With a thug life mentality, the gangsters believe that the deaf friends are trying to claim their clicks and throwing up gang signs. This film portrays the sad but true lifestyle and mentality of the way some “gangsters” are in this world.
“Some things are funny and… f*cked up at the same time.”
Press play and watch to find out what happens! Enjoy.
Filmed by Casey Chan:
Featuring IZ:
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